TEKS: 3.4A

Step Inside This Frozen Hotel!

A town in northern Sweden has a hotel made of ice!

Enlargeable photo of an ice hotel

Ice Hotel

Only about 800 people live in Jukkasjärvi (YOO-kus-yar-vee), Sweden, north of the Arctic Circle. But thousands visit the frosty village every winter. Their destination? A hotel with rooms constructed almost entirely of snow and ice!

Image of an ice desk at a hotel and then image of ice chandelier

Cavan Images/Alamy Stock Photo (Lobby); JONATHAN NACKSTRAND/AFP via Getty Images (Chandelier)

From left to right: check in at an ice desk; ice chandeliers hang from the ceiling

The Icehotel was founded in 1989. Dozens of artists, designers, and ice sculptors come together to build it every year. Before they begin, workers harvest 2,500 two-ton blocks of ice from the frozen Torne River. The team uses the ice to build everything—from the floors, walls, and ceilings to the furniture inside. In the winter of 2022, the Icehotel team created 36  frozen suites.

Image of a bed made of ice and then an ice sculpture of a chameleon

Arctic-Images/Getty Images (Bed); Kestutis Musteikis & Vytautas Musteikis/Ice Hotel (Sculpture);

From left to right: Sleep on a bed made of ice; check out stunning ice sculptures

World map highlighting Sweden

Jim McMahon/Mapman®

For their safety, Icehotel guests learn how to dress warmly and prepare their beds with special sleeping bags. They receive a certificate celebrating their stay.

In warmer months, the rooms melt into the river. The hotel’s temporary nature is part of its beauty, says creative director Luca Roncoroni.

“Knowing that you can try out a new idea next year is very freeing,” he says.

Thermometer Challenge
Play a cool math game about temperature.

Now You Try It

 Answer the questions about temperature below.

1A. The thermometer below shows the freezing point of water. At or below this temperature, water freezes solid into ice. Above it, ice melts into a liquid. What is water’s freezing point?

Enlargeable illustration of a thermometer measuring 32 degrees fahrenheit

1B. The thermometer below shows the typical temperature inside the Icehotel. What is this temperature?

Enlargeable illustration of a thermometer measuring 23 degrees fahrenheit

1C. Write an equation to show the difference in °F between the freezing point of water and the temperature of the Icehotel.

In March, the average temperature in Jukkasjärvi is 18°F. Mark and fill in this temperature on the thermometer below.

Enlargeable illustration of a thermometer

3A. In May, the average temperature in Jukkasjärvi is 21°F higher than 18°F. Determine this temperature and mark it on the thermometer below. 

3B. Will the Icehotel stay frozen in May? Explain how you know.

Enlargeable illustration of a thermometer